
Showing posts from October, 2024

Is film making a true art form?

What is art? Art is something that causes certain types of emotions in humans. Whether you feel happy, sad, angry, or blessed. The idea is to create feelings in humans. It can arouse various emotions that are linked to human psychology. A person can feel, sense, and observe the idea behind a certain painting, sculpture, music, or poetry. It can display various messages, a sense of patriotism, abstractum, etc. Art has been discussed since ancient times. Symbols and rock art were used to exhibit different messages, warning signs, or to portray love. The idea behind this is to explore human consciousness through different mediums whether it is acting, writing, storytelling, or anything that can conceive human consciousness, is art. In today's modern world, art has taken a new tour. Modern equipment, technical advancement, and people engagement have defined a new era of modern art. Special effects, mythical creatures, and abstract storytelling have re-defined modern-day art forms. What

Current Music Styles & Trends

The evolution of the music industry has been growing ever since the 90s era, revolutionary bands like Nirvana, Green Day, and Pearl Jam have made a name in genres like grunge rock, punk rock, and alternative rock. The sound of music has also evolved, whether it is electronic music, pop, rock or metal, the sound itself is new to the ears ever since. Genres like dubstep and trap, work of subtle wobble and hats, have made the listener engaged in the growing community. Nu-metal has also caught some ears with bands like Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, and Linkin Park. Engaging rap-rock with heavy distortion has made people scream to cheer for their favorite artist, but now we are in the 2024 era of experimental music. 808 beats with meaningful lyrics have made it to background score industry, jazz music is also taken a form of electronics and classical influences. The modern music industry has no barriers, artists are collaborating from around the world to discover their art and the true meaning of